This brand was generated by a Black Lesbian Woman, named Ty’Neisha Breaux. She was born in Gardena, California, but raised in Columbus, Ohio. Her family wasn't the richest family in the neighborhood, but they made it work with what they had. She deals with mental health issues, but is currently fully functional in an active career. She is imperfectly perfect to herself and takes the necessary steps daily to accept that even when others do not.
The reason that all of this is mentioned is to shine light on the differences yet similarities in this brand. She uses her brand to express her awareness of what is going on around her as well as going on with her personally. In her opinion, being a woman is hard, being a black woman is harder, being a black lesbian woman is even harder than that, and being a black lesbian woman who deals with mental health unbelievably the hardest thing ever! (This is not to say that other races or ethnics, or sexual preferences, or whatnot doesn’t have it hard, she is only sharing her personal story.)
How was the concept of Hated by Nature created? Well..when you have a society that doesn’t accept you because of your race or background, your family doesn’t accept you because of your sexual orientation, or when the workforce doesn't treat you like an equal because you are a woman, or as if you are damaged goods because you have mental health begin to hate yourself or feel as if the world hates you. This is something she struggled with for many years. So in order for her to deal with her depression & anxiety, she decided to become more transparent in order to bring awareness. She no longer says she is fine when she isn't. She no longer accepts that she needs to stay in her "lane" as a woman. She no longer accepts it being okay for people to judge those with mental issues. She is no longer being quiet! She decided to take the stand to Break the Stigma. with her creativity.
“We shouldn't be afraid to live our truths in any and every aspect. Mental health isn't prejudice. It doesn't only run in white people, it's in everyone!! It's in black people, it’s in brown people, it’s in cats and dogs, gays and straights, young and old's everywhere!! People cannot help how they are wired!! Just as confusing as it is for you, imagine how confusing it is for us?! We have to try to understand our disability in order to teach others how to deal with our disability. Can you imagine how hard that is to process in a world that see's your condition as made up or as a weakness or as something bad?? You become ashamed and you want to hide it instead of dealing with it. So we try to mask it in many forms such as: sex, money, drugs, or by cutting ourselves or drinking ourselves to death. The world says its wrong to overly feel things or to not feel as much as others. So you began to hate yourself and how you are wired. We have to stop acting as if it’s something that shouldn't be spoken about or understood or accepted. Everything is everything and we all need to just accept that and move accordingly. For example: If you daughter buys a hoodie or a T-Shirt from my brand, it doesn't mean that she supports my way of living. It could simply mean that she relates to the mental health aspect of my brand. Maybe she thinks my merchandise is dope!I It should be okay for her to do so. She shouldn’t have fell ashamed for purchasing a fit because she is afraid people are going to judge her for doing so, ya know? You could be totally against everything that I am talking about, but you support me being transparent. That's totally okay! Agree to disagree and just let people express themselves. We should love one another with respect and thats all that I am trying to say with my brand!”

The mission of this brand is to let you know that they are not alone. To remind people to keep going and to choose to live!!
The brand name is called Hated by Nature which basically means it's for the group of individuals that feel as if the odds are up against them. Those who feel as if them being their true selves is wrong. The slogan is called Break the Stigma. with a "." (period) to emphasize that we are making a stand for mental health awareness and equality. Their will be a semicolon located on the left sleeve in red, on all hoodies in order to remind those to keep going! The logo is in red on the site to symbolize the blood shed from those who suffer from mental health issues that are still fighting and those who lost against it.
Most of my clothes will be "chill vibe" clothing, because I want my clothes to make others feel comfortable. Everyone has that favorite t-shirt or hoodie that they love and love snuggling in..I want to provide that. I want my customers to know that even if someone can't be there physically to give then a hug, every time you place my clothing on, they will feel that love.